All time favourites




This is one of a series of commercials I enhanced for Morrisons, using celebrities, which proved very successful. 


One of a series of 3 commercials for the US, which I on-lined on Smoke. Every shot was animated with a clean pass and all rods were removed later, with backgrounds and other elements added in.


One of the UK originated commercials I worked on for L'Oreal, involving the usual clean up and compositing.


One of a series of 76 commercials delivered over 4 months from February 2012. Using Smoke on a Mac for the first time, I supplied actors' voice sync references for the talking cows to the 3d department and finished all versions. This one needed all the packs throughout replaced with artwork.


This commercial is typical of much of the account work I've worked on. The main International version was re-edited to fit with a UK voice and UK compliant claims. International creative supers were then copied and amended, all allowing time for UK legal supers. It was done first on avid or Smoke on a mac, then onlined on Smoke Advanced.
I highlight this commercial as the final CCG Glossy Blacks tag was made entirely in a 3d environment on Smoke, from flat pack artwork, which was manipulated and re lit over a hand made background.


This all star christmas commercial was shot using a snow machine, so a little extra clean up work was needed just to make the magic happen. The christmas end frame was very well received.


This humorous add was on-lined on Smoke with the usual clean up and new skies added to a couple of shots.


Long Form

A beautiful 90 minute political comedy for Ch4, for which I was the Online Editor and VFX Artist, using Smoke Advanced.


This was a midlife catchup on The Comic Strip's 'Famous Five' series for UK Gold. In this 90 minute comedy I onlined and made all the visual fx shown, from minor clean up and sky replacements to the crop circle shot. Unfortunately the car didn't push the corn down, so it was all done using stills on Smoke Advanced.